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Filtering by Category: update

Manhattan in February

Francis Ochoa

Last February, I took a day trip to New York before everything happened.

It’s strange to hear (and see) how empty the city has become within such a short time. That being said, I hope that all of you have been staying indoors and social distancing. Make sure to stay safe and healthy everyone!

Anyway, as many of you may well know, besides painting, I also do photography. Personally, i think it’s important to delve into other hobbies completely separate from your main passion. And sometimes, when I feel like stepping away from the whole painting scene, I usually fall into my other hobbies such as writing or photography. It allows you to take a step back and it’s good practice to keep yourself from burning out.

For some time now, I’ve been shooting film. I want to say that it’s been about two years now. And more recently, I’ve been developing my own film. Although it has only been B&W film and I was only able to process it at my university. But for my birthday last month, I just asked my family for developing supplies and it took a while to complete the things that I needed, but I finally got to develop my own colored film at home. And I honestly don’t know why I waited so long because of how simple it was.

So here’s a collection of my favorite shots from the trip.


Thanks for reading everyone.

Talk to you guys soon,


Francis Ochoa

Hey everyone, welcome to my new website. 

Over the years, I've had plenty of blogs and sites where I put my work but it's begun to feel inefficient - especially when I'm trying to get my work out there. So I finally decided to just put everything into one place. And that's what this is, a collection of the things I've made and things that I will continue to make in the coming days, months and hopefully years.

Before I go, just a quick note: my store and all commissions will currently be halted until the new year as I will be going out of town very soon and won't be back until then.

Thank you.
And happy holidays.
